Hey... remember how we celebrate good times all the time??
Well it's time to celebrate a good week we had. I forgot to write down what we did, so I don't really have much to write cause it feels like I write you guys every day........
But this week was good... we taught a lot, found lots of positive people, had ups and downs and a BAPTISM! It's a girl named Talita, and her mom is a member, but went to the US for 7 years and then just came back.. so the mom is just going back to church, the little sister will get baptized this week, and that's their story. Cool huh??
This week we just kept teaching Antonio and Maria, we are teaching another young couple named José and Siomara. We are having a baptism this week of at least 4 people... mast likely 6. September is a big month...
I got a cold the other day, cause we always get wet in the rain.... I finally bought an umbrella, but I don't like carrying it around, cause everytime I do, it doesn't rain.... oops.
I realized this week that I can speak spanish without thinking of what to say... it probably started happenin a long time ago, but I just now realized it. I love speaking two languages.....
This letter isn't full of a ton of information right.. sorry. just know that I love you all, just know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It's the map back to Him. I know that book is true, I love it. Please read it, or keep reading it. I also know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. Exactly like Moses and Noah and Abraham. I love this church. It is a marvellous work and wonder. It is the only true church on the face of the planet, with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer as the head of the church. I love it so much. I love being a representative and missionary for the true church of God. I also know that families are forever. I love you all so so much. Sometimes I hate pulling out my pictures to show people my family because you guys are all ugly.... just kidding, it's cause I get sad. Even worse when they talk about the nena. I sure love my little Oakley. Tell her hi for me. I don't even know the girl, and I love her so much. Be good this week, CTR. Los quiero mucho.
Elder Jensen