Monday, March 26, 2012

Just Love It

Well hello there family. How are you??????

Guatemala is just fine and dandy. I love it here so much and I love
the people more than.... lots of things. I just love it.

This week was good. I don´t remember much of it. I think there are
only three days in the week. p-day, Thursday (weekly planning), and
Sunday. Holy cow time sure does fly. I can't believe I almost have 5
months. Wanna know a miracle???? I have been learning and speaking
spanish for 5 months, and I'm really proud of myself. I know A LOT of
spanish and I can say just about anything and understand a lot too!
It's still toughish, but I have been blessed so so much with the
language! Isn't it crazy that I can speak another language???????
Cause I sure think it's craziness.

This week we did divisions. I went to another area with Elder Navas,
mi amigo. It was a good day!!! I love divisions. It's just like a
little change. Changes make me happy. Speaking of changes, we have to
move. Our landlord kicked us out and we have until April 16th. Lucky
for us we have another house lined up. It's right next to our laundry
lady, that's a super awesome part about it!!!!!!!

Also this week we had the baptism of Gaby. Everytime we went to visit
her we would realize how prepared she was for US. She always told us,
"there aren't anyother missionaries like you two." She has met with
missionaries before, but nothing ever came of it. She told us after
the first time she met with us, she knew we were something different.
She says a lot of times she has a deja vu whenever we are talking.
SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!! She was prepared from the preexistence. I know it
for a fact!

This week is changes. I now have 2 changes under my belt, and I will
likely get a new companion. Finally a latino, I can speak only spanish
and learn a ton more. I'm 100% stoked for that.

This week has been kinda weird. It isn't supposed to be raining... but
it is. The rainy season doesn't start until Mayish (word on the
street). We have only seen little rain so far, nothing too intense. I
love the rain so much!!!!

This month our zone was the top zone in the mission, with baptizing
families. I think we had 8 or 9, and our mission had 240 somethingish
baptisms. Sooooo close to our goal of 250. Pretty awesome.

So today we got to watch a movie, we watched Mobsters and Mormons. Go
to the store and buy that movie right now. IT IS SO FUNNY!!!!! Maybe
it was super funny cause we are deprived, but I loved it. We also get
to go to Mazate and eat Pizza Hut and go shopping at a super awesome
store that has everything.

I can't wait for this new week, new companion, new house, new
investigators, new challenges, new EVERYTHING! (well... almost). I
seriously can't wait though. I love being a missionary. Wow, time is
melting away. I just love my life. I hope you are doing fantabulous.
Enjoy the air conditioning... cause I ain't got none, and I couldn't be
happier. I love this place!!

Just know that the church is true. I love it so much.

Plus, did you know that we are blessed with talents to bring others
up, not ourselves.... I like that. I have a whole sheet of quotes that
I found... I don't even know where any of them came from. Maybe pure
revelation. who cares, I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Jensen!!!!!!!!!!!

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