Hi... Did you know I can
literally FEEL your prayers? Well if you didn’t know, now you do... I can feel
your prayers. Isn´t that neat?? Keep em comin!!
This week went by
EXTREMELY fast. I don’t know where it went. I think into the past... but I’m
not sure. haha Time just keeps marching on.
We had some special
experiences this week... on Tuesday we went to teach Mauro and Florencia,
well.. I think it was Tuesday. But anyway we went there with a member that
helps us a lot. Mauro started asking us about marriage and about how he and his
wife were married but he didn’t like it so he wanted to get married again, then
he started telling us about a dream that he had. He said he and his wife were
young, and were in a big beautiful building. Everything was just amazing. They
were running to get married. While he was telling his dream he grabbed his
wife’s hand and started getting all teary eyed. In that moment we started
explaining to him about the temple and about how families can be forever. We
talked about how much God loves us and a little bit about the plan of
Salvation. They told us that they had never heard anything like that before,
and that they want to get baptized the 28th of Sept....... THIS SATURDAY!!!!
YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I’m so stoked.
Plus their son is a
member and we visited him on Friday cause we want him to baptize his parents.
He started talking about the experience that we had and was so shocked. He told
us that his dad was the type of man that had his beer bottle right next to his
pistol and that he had never ever seen him cry; that he was so hard and tough
and a fighter. The Spirit can break through whatever wall.
I love Mauro and
Florencia. They are so special and they love us too... On Saturday we passed by
to say hi and buy some tamales from them and they were installing a light right
above their couch so when we come we will have light to see. Isn’t that the
cutest thing ever? We also gave them a big huge bible and triple and they made
us sit down and write a little note in them with our names too so they can pray
for us!!! Oh my heart is going to burst with so much love for these people. The
small and simple things are just too much for my heart to handle.
BUT we need a miracle.
Florencia couldn’t go to church yesterday because she had a fever and her body
hurt. She had symptoms of dengue, and that’s bad. But she wants to get baptized
with her hubby. Please pray for them that everything will go well for the
baptism and they can be strong to handle everything... did I mention Mauro is
78 and Florencia is 74. I love them so much.
I have been in such a
good mood since we have progressing people. I always say that everyday is the
best day of my life, and now my companion started saying it too. I think I have
the best companion in the entire world. I love the guy... oh ps finally we aren’t
in a trio (what’s that in English...) We are just 2 not 3 now. Elder Avelar
begged President to send him to another area... I don’t really know why. but oh
well. Now we are alone in our huge 2 story house. We cleaned it really really
good too and moved around some furniture. I love it.
I have so many thoughts
in my head right now. Everything is so bittersweet. But I’m loving my time
here. I try not to think about home, and what I’m going to be doing in just a
few short weeks. And I know you are praying for me so I’m focused.... I´m so
thankful for that. In these last few days we have seen miracles and seen the
ward change and get excited and I love it.
Remember when I told you
about an inactive family that we activated?? Well in Priesthood they were
talking about home teaching and after the class the guy we activated took us up
front with the member that helped us and told everyone the experience we had,
then he told everyone to do their visits and help one another.... (I think I
told you about them right??) I dunno...... But he was just so thankful for
everything and he told everyone that they were there for good and they we so
happy.... (they started using their garments too and in 3 months they can go to
the temple again......) I think that’s GREAT!!!!! I´m so happy.
There is nothing more
important and more rewarding than following God and being obedient. He loves us
so much. I know families can be forever. I know it I know it I know it. I don’t
have a doubt. I know that La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos
Días is God´s true church here on earth. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of
God. oh oh another experience. We were explaining to Mauro and Florencia about
the leadership of the church and we showed them the pictures (the ones that
come in the Ensign with all the faces and names) well they loved it. They
realized that the church is established the same exact way that the church of
Christ was established 2000 years ago. The church is true. Never forget it.

I love you all so so so incredibly much. I hope you have the best of weeks, and that today and tomorrow and the next day can be the best days of your lives.
ps enjoy the pics. Us
with Mauro and Florencia, then with some beans and Hna. Carmen (The mom of the
mission.. she cleans presidents house and makes us banana bread whenever there
are conferences.. and we eat dinner with her every Sunday night)
I love you
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