For the change meeting on Wednesday they used our chapel.. mostly used chapel in the world I think. They always use it. But we had to clean up a little, run to the market to buy flowers, and open up the church then wait till everyone left to close it and take the sisters in our ward to their house and other new elders in the zone to their house cause they took out the others and put two news in.... nutso. But it´s fun that way. Ever since the changes we have had another companion. Elder Avelar. He is waiting for them to reasign his mission and this week he´s gone... I hope.. It´s rough with 3... plus he talks a ton!!!!! I´m used to my quiet companion. Oh man I love my companion!!!
Now that there are sisters in our ward they are where we were and we are where the other elders were because it´s a little more far/dangerous. We are getting to know the members better and visiting them and serving them. I´m super excited to work in this area. I love this ward, the people are so so special. We have seen the attitude of the ward change a ton. They are stoked that there are sisters here... me too. They just bring another spirit and a little bit more love to the work. It´s great and the ward needs it.
This week I baptized a little girl from a less active family in another ward. (picture) I did the interview and baptized her. She was so smart and happy to be baptized. She asked me if saying bad words meant she wasn´t faithful to God. Such a cute question. She was so worried too when she asked me it. I love the people here. They are incredible.
The other day there was an earthquake. Everyone was crazy scared, but luckily nothing happened. I wasn´t scared though, I´m really brave.
I feel like I don´t have everything that happened this week, actually I know I don´t have it all... We just have to go to the office... Who knows why.
I just want you to know that I know that the church is true. Jesus Christ lives. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He saw the Father and the Son one day in 1820. I know it. I have a very strong testimony of it, I know it´s true. I know God has a plan for us. He wants us to return to live with Him one day because He loves us. All we have to do is be obedient.
I hope you have the best week of your life. I love you so so so so much!!!!
ps tell my girlfriend hi for me.
Elder Jensen
Hi! My son, Eder Grant is sitting on the floor opposite of Elder Jensen in the zone pic. Do you mind if I steal the picture? You can email me at
Robin Grant