I am serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission.
Monday, January 30, 2012
First Baptisms
Hola mi familia,
How on earth is everyone???? I finally got everyone's letters!!!!!!!!!!! I got a whole stack of Dear Elders and Grandpa's letter. It was the best thing in the whole wide world! Gracias!!! I will try and write back, but I haven't really figured out the whole mail situation. How bout I ask??
This week was amazing!!!
Tuesday was good.... work. We had one of the APs following us around all day.
Wednesday was good too... work. Don't really remember much.... but it was good!!
Thursday we had a conference with Elder Amado. We got to the church at 8:30ish in the a.m. Then sat there for a tiny for him to come. He got there at 9 and we started. First we heard from Hermana Maravilla, then President... about an hour. So it's 10:00 now... Then Elder Amado got up and started talking... 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00........... yeah....... he talked for that long. I was starving... and hungry. But it was good. He told us all sorts of stuff. We talked about the Atonement and the Law of Chastity and EVERYTHING! He told us we need to double our baptisms and our investigators need to attend church 3 times before we can baptize them........ All the Elders have baptized without asistencia. So that´s going to be tough, but we will see better converts from it. As of right now we have, oh i dont know, A TRILLION menos activos. It´s insane!! Then we ate Taco Bell!!! Good day!
Friday we did divisions again, this time I stayed in my area and Elder Lechtenburg came. It was good. Seems like we do divisions a lot... But oh well!
Saturday... best day of my mission. We ended divisions kinda early, then went to the capilla to start filling up the font. Little did we know that we need to fill them up early in the morning this time of year, cause we ran out of water..or there was something wrong with the pump, I dont really know... we had to improvise. We opened up the well and started getting water out of it with a huge bucket and pouring it in the font. It was quite intense. The service was supposed to start at 4 and we didn´t get started until like 4:45 probably. It was awesome. Oh, did I mention the best part?? We baptized Fredy and Jaquelin. I baptized Fredy and Elder Reed baptized Jaquelin. Greatest thing ever. This is what it´s all about. They have made a convenio with our Heavenly Father and they had the rest of their lives where they can learn and grow and go to the temple and have eternal families. Because that´s what It´s all about, FAMILY!
I think about you every two seconds. Holy cow I love my family!!! The best part about it... we´re forever a family. Guess what else is cool? .... Britney Spears is playin in the internet cafe. Oops I did it again. What a treat. hahahahahaha.
Then Sunday, we had church and study/eat time. I made myself some mean spaghetti. Mom, I cooked it. And no we don´t have to do laundry, Fredy´s aunt does it. (remember Fredy)? haha. Plus I had my very first beans and eggs last night. From Fredy´s mom/aunt... they all live in the same house. But wow, best meal of my mission. I had to wait a month (almost) to eat some eggs and beans!! It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sundays are hard for me. Cause I just wanna take a nap and hang out at home. But I can´t. I like you guyses for some reason. (guyses=joke).
Anywho, I love Guatemala. They have instruments called the Marimba, I think. I want one. It´s like the xylophone, but way awesomer!!! And the phone numbers here are 8 numbers. That´s cool. oh and they have taxis that hold 8 people... but really they are supposed to hold 5. and Motorcycles are quite roomy too. Plus they have good balance, cause they always have things on their heads. Holy cow I love it here!!! A LOT!!!
I forgot to tell you, there was a mini terremoto here the other day. It was cool... we were studying and we thought it was a truck, but it was a real earthquake!! Like a good 30 second one. Plus I got bit by a dog. TWICE! Nothing too bad, just a whole in my pants the first time and he got my shoe the next time. (same chucho). ((chucho = dog/mutt/lower than mutt in Guatemala)).
Seems like there is something I´m forgetting......
Elder Jensen!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
This week has been a good one! I´m pretty sure our area is the biggest area in the entire world. There is someone waiting for us, but we just can´t find them. We still don´t have many investegators. That´s going to change this week. It´s hard work, but I love being a missionary!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday was the best day of my life, Elder Reed and I were just working hard and we taught like 10 lessons and we got another fecha!!! For this Saturday. So we have 2 people we are baptizing this Saturday! Carolina is her name, (I think). But her husband is a member and she is awesome. I can´t wait.
Wednesday was good, we worked a lot. We contact a lot. My spanish is getting better. A lot better this week. Elder Reed has me start all our lessons and we switch off contacting and I do it all by myself now. He thinks I pick good places to contact cause people always let us in or we set up appointments when I talk to them. It´s just luck. I´m nothing, just an instrument in the hands of God.
Thursday I went on divisions with our district leader, Elder Lechtenburg. He´s from St Geezy. He´s pretty awesome. That was fun. The Hermanas in our district had a baptism so we went to that. I said the closing prayer. I can speak spanish! (sorta)
Friday was good too..... I don´t remember...... but it was good im sure!
Saturday wait..... Friday and Saturday ALL of our citas fell through. People weren´t home or who knows what. So we contacted a ton that day! We are starting to work in other areas of our area. There´s like.... 5 seperate areas in our area. I love it!
Sunday was really good, as always. Our ward is awesome. All 70 of them. The whole bishopric was there too. How awesome!
We just got done playing some futbol, and now we are headed to Reu to buy things and eat some food! Reu is like.... 20 minutes away from here, so cool....
I´m so happy to be here. I´ve been reading the Liahona, cause we get one every month, and there was an article... I dont even remember what about or anything, but it had a section on additude. Sometimes I dont have the greatest additude, it´s something that makes the days so much better. I remember in high school I would wake up and tell myself that today is going to be a good day, and it was. Additude is everything. It helps a ton!
I finally got the picture thing working so expect some in just a few minutes.
I love you all so much, I´m so happy to be here. I know, for a fact, that this church is true. It´s an amazing thing to be apart of. I love this work. I love Guatemala with my whole heart. Even all the crazy drunks. They just add some flavor... and for some reason they just all want to talk to us.................
I love you!!!!!!!
Elder Jensen
ps Im sorry im bad at writing letters. email is just way WAY easier. I´ll try and be good now... Love you!
Monday, January 16, 2012
It's Time For Another Letter From Guatemala!
HI family. How are you????
Im here in Guatemala. I love it. I feel fat though. Still havent gotten sick, WHICH IS SUCH A BLESSING!! I feel good!!
Here in San Luis I keep forgetting it is Enero, cause Im sweating like a piggy. Hows the weather there?? cold, I bet, HAHAHA! You should come visit!?
This week was good. We contacted a lot, still dont have many investigators. I guess no one wants to be saved. But we never know if we are preparing them for other missionaries! We have a baptismal date for the 28th. Freddy is his name, Mormonism is his game. He is the nephew of our laundry lady, (who is awesome, by the way). We also have another potential lady for the 28th.. her hubby is a member but inactive, but they came to church yesterday!! Best feeling ever! We have a cita with them mañana so i will let you know on that one. Our area is so big, there is someone waiting for us, I just know it!
We also had divisions the other day with some future missionaries from Huehuetenango, two kids per missionary. I was a little scared, but I realized that I can understand a lot and speak a lot. The gift of tongues is the real deal! We just contacted a lot and got two citas from it later this week.
I got Grandma´s package the other day, all I can say about that is HEAVEN ON EARTH! thank you super much granny. I havent recieved any letters. They might be stuck in the mission office or who knows. I don´t know when we get the mail and such. I hope she got the letter I sent her a few weeks ago!
I havent even eaten one single egg yet. Everyone told me I would eat a lot of eggs and beans. Lies! We eat a lot of Caldo. basically soup with big chunks of meat and vegetables. The other day we had chicken and mashed tators and coleslaw.
Mom - about dinner, we are asked not to go home and make stuff cause it just takes too much time. But if people invite us to dinner we can eat, and we can buy stuff from little tiendas. just not take time for dinner ya know?? dont worry about me though. Sometimes I just eat paper.
I gained 10 pounds in the MTC slash CCM and im fat. I need to lose some poundage.
I dont know what else to write. sometimes my mind is blank... except this -
I know why I´m out here, is to bring souls unto Christ. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He lives!!!! Through Him, we can be clean from our sins and we can get through any problem. He is here to help us. He loves us so much. This church is guided and directed by Him. I know it.
Have you ever read Our Search for Happiness?? I just started it this morning and I think its great. Read it.
I love you so much!!!
Elder Jensen
Im here in Guatemala. I love it. I feel fat though. Still havent gotten sick, WHICH IS SUCH A BLESSING!! I feel good!!
Here in San Luis I keep forgetting it is Enero, cause Im sweating like a piggy. Hows the weather there?? cold, I bet, HAHAHA! You should come visit!?
This week was good. We contacted a lot, still dont have many investigators. I guess no one wants to be saved. But we never know if we are preparing them for other missionaries! We have a baptismal date for the 28th. Freddy is his name, Mormonism is his game. He is the nephew of our laundry lady, (who is awesome, by the way). We also have another potential lady for the 28th.. her hubby is a member but inactive, but they came to church yesterday!! Best feeling ever! We have a cita with them mañana so i will let you know on that one. Our area is so big, there is someone waiting for us, I just know it!
We also had divisions the other day with some future missionaries from Huehuetenango, two kids per missionary. I was a little scared, but I realized that I can understand a lot and speak a lot. The gift of tongues is the real deal! We just contacted a lot and got two citas from it later this week.
I got Grandma´s package the other day, all I can say about that is HEAVEN ON EARTH! thank you super much granny. I havent recieved any letters. They might be stuck in the mission office or who knows. I don´t know when we get the mail and such. I hope she got the letter I sent her a few weeks ago!
I havent even eaten one single egg yet. Everyone told me I would eat a lot of eggs and beans. Lies! We eat a lot of Caldo. basically soup with big chunks of meat and vegetables. The other day we had chicken and mashed tators and coleslaw.
Mom - about dinner, we are asked not to go home and make stuff cause it just takes too much time. But if people invite us to dinner we can eat, and we can buy stuff from little tiendas. just not take time for dinner ya know?? dont worry about me though. Sometimes I just eat paper.
I gained 10 pounds in the MTC slash CCM and im fat. I need to lose some poundage.
I dont know what else to write. sometimes my mind is blank... except this -
I know why I´m out here, is to bring souls unto Christ. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He lives!!!! Through Him, we can be clean from our sins and we can get through any problem. He is here to help us. He loves us so much. This church is guided and directed by Him. I know it.
Have you ever read Our Search for Happiness?? I just started it this morning and I think its great. Read it.
I love you so much!!!
Elder Jensen
Monday, January 9, 2012
Welcome to San Luis Elder Jensen!
Hello family!!!!!
How on earth are you this week?? Well I´m doing absolutely fantastic!!!
Just here in sticky Guatemala. My area is called San Luis. And yes, it is very huge. My companion, Elder Reed, is from South Jordan. I was expecting a Latino but I guess not!! I´m happy though, it makes it a little bit easier to get things done if we need to do them in English. I understand 85% percent of everything. And I can basically say what I want. I just need to learn the Guatemala lingo and learn more about the doctrine. But I havent felt depressed or discouraged or anything yet, which is great cause I cant speak Español.
Elder Reed and I live in this great little pink house. Elder Reed said it was one of the nicest houses in the mission. It´s cute. hahaha. We eat lunch at our cocinera´s house every day and another lady does our laundry. Which makes things easier.
Go ahead and ask me how great my mission president is??????? CAUSE HE IS GREAT! and about 2 feet tall... mas o menos. I´m going to see if i can send some pictures. So last Tuesday when we got here we had some orientation deal, then had dinner at President´s house. Then we stayed in a hotel and the next morning was a change meeting. They do it a little different today than in your day I'm thinking, they put our faces on a powerpoint and you never know whose name is going to pop up. Its such a treat. Then we left to the pink mansion, and ate lunch, some sort of soup. Then we walked around... haha... we went and met members and less actives. Our ward is San Luis and there is a lot of less active. We are working hard with them while trying to find families, because families are the most important thing on the entire planet. We get to talk a lot about the temple in Quetzaltenango too. That´s a treat.
There are churches on every single corner in our area, and everyone has a church. EVERYONE. We try and tell them about our joyful message, but they don't listen. We are in need of some investigators. Pray for the hearts to be softened in San Luis and doors to be opened.... well, there aren't really doors, just gates.
The past few days we have just worked hard, walked a lot. (our area is huge. it takes about an hour to get to one investigators house. So we dont go out there much... good thing members live out there too. they always give us great drinks)
I love it here. This is almost just as I was expecting. Elder Reed is awesome. I love everything about everything. Even the huge spider. I love this work. It is such a happy message and I'm so happy that we know the truth. Families are forever, and that´s exactly who I want to spend forever with. ¡Jesucristo vive! I know it for a fact. He loves us so much and suffered so much. He knows exactly what we are going through!!!
I love you so much!!
Elder Jensen
Ps Last night we had a guy talk to us for an hour and he just told us about his prostate and how sometimes he pees dribble dribble and other times like a faucet... thank you.
ps there are also like 4000000 nursing mothers here... they nurse until they are like 6 too.... ok not 6 but like 2... honest.
PS Drunk guys always just walk in our lesson and it is funny
Ps my district leader is from St Geezy. Elder Lechtenburg ?
ps do you have my address?? just send everything to the mission office
How on earth are you this week?? Well I´m doing absolutely fantastic!!!
Just here in sticky Guatemala. My area is called San Luis. And yes, it is very huge. My companion, Elder Reed, is from South Jordan. I was expecting a Latino but I guess not!! I´m happy though, it makes it a little bit easier to get things done if we need to do them in English. I understand 85% percent of everything. And I can basically say what I want. I just need to learn the Guatemala lingo and learn more about the doctrine. But I havent felt depressed or discouraged or anything yet, which is great cause I cant speak Español.
Elder Reed and I live in this great little pink house. Elder Reed said it was one of the nicest houses in the mission. It´s cute. hahaha. We eat lunch at our cocinera´s house every day and another lady does our laundry. Which makes things easier.
Go ahead and ask me how great my mission president is??????? CAUSE HE IS GREAT! and about 2 feet tall... mas o menos. I´m going to see if i can send some pictures. So last Tuesday when we got here we had some orientation deal, then had dinner at President´s house. Then we stayed in a hotel and the next morning was a change meeting. They do it a little different today than in your day I'm thinking, they put our faces on a powerpoint and you never know whose name is going to pop up. Its such a treat. Then we left to the pink mansion, and ate lunch, some sort of soup. Then we walked around... haha... we went and met members and less actives. Our ward is San Luis and there is a lot of less active. We are working hard with them while trying to find families, because families are the most important thing on the entire planet. We get to talk a lot about the temple in Quetzaltenango too. That´s a treat.
There are churches on every single corner in our area, and everyone has a church. EVERYONE. We try and tell them about our joyful message, but they don't listen. We are in need of some investigators. Pray for the hearts to be softened in San Luis and doors to be opened.... well, there aren't really doors, just gates.
The past few days we have just worked hard, walked a lot. (our area is huge. it takes about an hour to get to one investigators house. So we dont go out there much... good thing members live out there too. they always give us great drinks)
I love it here. This is almost just as I was expecting. Elder Reed is awesome. I love everything about everything. Even the huge spider. I love this work. It is such a happy message and I'm so happy that we know the truth. Families are forever, and that´s exactly who I want to spend forever with. ¡Jesucristo vive! I know it for a fact. He loves us so much and suffered so much. He knows exactly what we are going through!!!
I love you so much!!
Elder Jensen
Ps Last night we had a guy talk to us for an hour and he just told us about his prostate and how sometimes he pees dribble dribble and other times like a faucet... thank you.
ps there are also like 4000000 nursing mothers here... they nurse until they are like 6 too.... ok not 6 but like 2... honest.
PS Drunk guys always just walk in our lesson and it is funny
Ps my district leader is from St Geezy. Elder Lechtenburg ?
ps do you have my address?? just send everything to the mission office
Monday, January 2, 2012
Ready or Not Here I Come...
Hi Family!!!!!
Guess what day it is??? Monday. Oh and
tomorrow is Tuesday, do you know what that means???? I´m leaving the safety of
the CCM into the lovely country of Guatemala!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!
Everyone that is leaving Guatemala, to serve, just left, so I have been bawling
my eyes out!! (surprise, surprise) And I am no longer companions with Elder
Hansen, He is going to Guatemala Norte so they put us with our mission. I am in
a trio with these two kids I knew in the MTC. Just till tomorrow!!
So tomorrow we get up and leave at 8:30
in the morning!!! I am almost packed and everything. I seriously want to
explode because I am so happy and I just want to baptize everyone. I have fire
in my bones!!!!
So this week was great, we sat in class
and learned things and stuff. That part was great. haha. The best part of my
week though was something so simple and great, and the reason why I love
Guatemala. There is an Elder here from San Marcos. San Marcos is in my mission,
so I have made pretty good friends with him and he just tells me everything
about that place. So one night he comes into my room and asks for one of my
shirts so he could press it. I just kept saying no because accepting
service is so hard for me. But I gave in, and he pressed my shirt and we just chatted
and stuff. Such a simple act, and it just goes to show that the simple things
in life are the best. They are what we remember. I love Guatemala. I LOVE IT I
LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart is
going to explode cause I LOVE IT! I wish I could somehow express to you how
much I love it!!!!!
So this week I have been working on
developing Christ-like attributes. Each day I put a different one on the top of
my planner, and when I focus on it, I start to see as Christ did. Just think
about Christ, think about the sacrifice He made for us. We are forever in his
debt. He is always there for us.
I also forgot to tell you about my
Christmas Eve. I think.... I had the opportunity to give my first blessing. We
had a Hermana in our district who was sick, and holy cow I was scared to
death!!!! But I did it, and it was amazing!!
This reminded me of another experience
when Elder Hansen was giving another Elder a blessing. In it he said,
"Jesus Christ walks with His missionaries every day." Cool huh??
I have thought about my mission so much
in the past few days, especially since I am getting ready to go.... This is my
promise to you - I promise that I will come home with one pair of shoes and
they will be trashed, I will come home with one shirt, and it will be yellow, I
will have one tie, one belt, and an empty suitcase... maybe I will put a
Guatemalan in there. I am going to work as hard as I possibly can. All I want
you do feel is the joy that I have for being here. I don’t know Spanish, I don’t
know the scriptures very well, but with the Lord on our side, anything is
possible..!!!!!!!!!!! I love this work with my whole entire heart, I love this
church. I testify to everyone reading that It is the true church, and through
it we can return to live with our Heavenly Father again. This life is so short
in the scheme of eternity, live life without regrets, pray always, be
believing, and trust in the Lord. He is our rock, our foundation. Thank you for
the sacrifices that you are making so I can be here. Thank you for the letters
and the packages (I got the wards package, THANK YOU!!!) Thank you for your
prayers. I promise our Heavenly Father listens to and answers prayers. If you
even have a question about life or if this church is true, just ask. This
wonderful church was started by one simple prayer, and now I am here in the
best country in the world because of Joseph Smith, my best friend. }
I love you all so much, I love you, I
love you!!!!!!!
Elder Jensen
(sorry if my letter is lame, I always
feel like they are. I could use some feedback :) aka letters are fun to write
and send and receive and read and stuff)
I love you!!
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Retalhuleu Guatemala Mission |
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