Monday, July 2, 2012

This Missionary Loves His Mission!!!!

Hi family......

Well this week was a fabulous one.... or did I just write you yesterday?? Cause that´s exactly how I feel. This week went by SO fast!! Wouldn´t you like to know what we did??..........

Monday - We sacrificed an hour of our p-day and went to teach a jovencita (I really wish I knew that word in English)... oh boy the sacrifice was worth it. She accepted a baptismal date for Saturday... it was awesome. Her mom was baptized about 2 months ago, maybe more. But she hadn´t ever been taught, but we taught her... YEAH!! What did I learn today? Sacrifice brings blessings

Tuesday - We did divisions with the Zone Leaders so they could do th interviews. I went to Mazate with Elder Jennings. A super super good missionary. We contacted the whole day, and found a few positive people, one of which already has a fecha. What did I learn today? Be diligent (cause we contacted literally all day)

Wednesday - divisions again. Elder Juarez went and did an interview and I stayed in the hood with Elder Cruz. oh... and it rained.......... With Elder Cruz we taught a super excellent lesson about the Restoration. Elder Cruz only has 4 months and he doesn´t like to study. So I just trusted in the Spirit and taught the best I could, and it turned out excellent. That is my absolute favorite lesson to teach. What did I learn today? Trust in the Spirit

Thursday - We went to Reu for a conference with President and two other zones. Man I love President and his wife with my whole heart. I hope you get to meet him one day.... maybe after this life. First he taught about Faith. Something that I have learned a lot in San Antonio. Everytime we talk to someone, I take all of the doubts out of my head, and put faith in my head. I can feel the Spirit stronger, I can teach better, the persons faith will grow, and they will get baptized, and hopefully one day will be sealed in the temple. Wowsie. Then we had a snack (banana bread.. always). Then president talked about the Atonement. My absolute favorite thing in the world. He talked about what really happened in the Garden, why it was necessary to have a Savior, and a whole lots of stuff. What did I learn today? Christ loves us. (I already knew it but...)

Friday - What a great day. San Antonio is huge, with tons of Fincas and Aldeas and people. But we mostly work in two places, centro y Aldea Margaritas. We went to Margaritas on Friday and set up a screen with a projector and invited everyone to come learn about the church. We put on the Joseph Smith movie. It was great. Tons of people came. This Saturday we are going to do the same thing here in San Antonio in an old cinema.... awesome. What did I learn today? Think outside the box

Saturday - BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We baptized a complete family, Lorenzo y Victoria with their three daughters. Then we baptized a man named Jenaro. Then the young woman named Vilma. Fotos included.... It was great. I loved it. I was honored to be able to baptize Lorenzo and Jenaro. Elder Juarez baptized all the girls... he is more handsome. haha. What did I learn today? The color white = miracles.

Sunday - not much happened... 7 people were confirmed members, and there wasn´t very much time for the testimonies. oops.... What did I learn? I love hardworking bishops. (My bishop here kinda reminds me of President Bangerter mixed with Bishop Donaldson... he is just the bishopy type of guy, and I love him haha)

Super spiritual moment this week - During the Joseph Smith movie, I was sitting outside the house, cause the house was full. I couldn´t really see the screen, and Elder Juarez was telling jokes and hitting me or something, I don´t really know. But during the First Vision I felt the Spirit so strong. I hadn´t ever felt it so strong. I have always known Joseph Smith was a prophet, that´s why I love teaching about him, but I just started bawling and just felt so strong the Spirit. I know with every fiber of my heart that the church is true. It is the Kingdom of God here on earth. Joseph Smith was called as an instrument in God´s hands to establish the true church here on earth again. I know it for a fact. I love you all, I hope you have a great week. Send me letter, pictures, hugs, and prayers. I love you I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps in the picture that I look angry, I´m not angry. The members were making fun of me cause I was smiling bigger than everyone else and I had my mouth open. Also there is a picture with Elder Lechtenberg. My homeboy from St Geezy. I don´t remember what others ones I sent... ENJOY!

I love you
Elder Jensen

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